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Tofu Tikka

A dry but very tasty dish. Great as a main or a snack
Prep: 120 mins
Cook: 10 mins
Yields: 4 Servings
Heat: 2/5 heat rating heat rating
Rating: 4/5 4 stars


May contain milk

Carbon Rating A

Photo soon spice fans

Mix the spices, colouring, lemon juice, ginger and garlic up into a paste with a little water and stir in well with the yogurt to make a tandoori marinade.

Marinate the tofu in the marinade for 2-48 hours.

Preheat the oven to its highest heat for at least 15 minutes.

Shake off excess marinade and place tofu pieces on skewers on a wire rack in the oven.

Cook for 5-10 minutes until the tofu is cooked.

Serve with a wedge of lemon or anything else you like.


1 tbsp Cumin
1 tbsp Garam Masala
1 tsp Coriander
1 tsp Turmeric
1 tsp Chilli Powder
Red Food Colouring
1 Lemon
8 Garlic Cloves, peeled and crushed
3 cm Ginger, finely chopped
500 ml Natural Yogurt
1 kg Pressed Tofu, cut into bite sized cubes
1 Lemon
