Melon Lassi

Smooth and cool, a sexy drink

heat rating

Serves 6 (Estimated) Rating 4/5

4 stars

Prep Time 10 Minutes Cooking Time 30 Minutes

Photo soon folks

May contain milk


Carbon Rating A

CO2e Information

5 tsp Sugar
250 ml Water
4 Ice Cubes
700 ml Natural Yogurt
1 tbsp Lemon Juice
220 g Melon Pulp
Melon, for garnish

Boil the sugar and water and simmer until the sugar is dissolved.
Allow to cool.
Crush the ice cubes in a blender and add to the water.
Add the rest of the ingredients except the melon slices and blend.
Chill in the fridge.
Pour into glasses and garnish with a slice of melon then serve.
