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Plant-Based Chilli Burger

These homemade plant-based burgers are perfect for the BBQ and so much healthier than anything from a packet. A SpiceTheWorld special.
Prep: 10 mins
Cook: 20 mins
Yields: 4 Servings
Heat: 2/5 heat rating heat rating
Rating: 3/5 3 stars


May contain eggs May contain mustard

Carbon Rating B

Photo soon spice fans

Place all the burger ingredients in a mixing bowl and stir to combine.

Using your hands shape into four equal-sized patties.

Preheat the grill to hot.

Cook the burgers under the grill for 12 minutes or until cooked through turning once.

Top each burger with a slice of cheese towards the end of the cooking time.

Before serving mix together the mayonnaise and lettuce.

Cut the ciabatta rolls in half and toast under the grill on both sides.

Top the bottom halves of the ciabatta rolls with the lettuce and mayonnaise followed by a slice of tomato.

Arrange the burger and cheese on top of the ciabatta followed by a slice of red onion.

Top each burger with the other halves of the ciabatta rolls and serve.


540 g Plant-based Mince
25 g Coriander
1 Green Chilli, finely chopped
1 Onion, finely chopped
1 tbsp Dijon Mustard
1 Egg
1 tbsp Olive Oil
Black Pepper
4 Cheddar Cheese
4 tbsp Mayonnaise
½ Iceberg Lettuce, shredded
4 Ciabatta Rolls
1 Onion
1 Beef Tomato
